Baggage Xpress Delivery Service Terms
Article 1 [Purpose]
Baggage Xpress Co., Ltd (hereinafter, "baggagexpress") has established the "Service Terms" thereto to define terms to be observed by baggagexpress and customers in the provision of a customer's baggage delivery service from an airport to an HOME (HOTEL), the HOME (HOTEL) to the airport, and the HOME (HOTEL) to another HOME (HOTEL).
Article 2 [Definition of Terms]
The Terms herein shall be defined as follows:
1.“Airport”refers to an airport for which baggagexpress provides a baggage delivery service and makes it possible for customers to use on a homepage or app.
2.“HOME (HOTEL)”refers to every place desginated by baggagexpress to check or find customers' baggeges other than a hotel, guest house, home, or airport.
3.“Baggage”refers to a customer's bag subjected to a delivery service of baggagexpress and checked by baggagexpress for its transportation.
4.The definition of terms not specified in these terms is determined by generally common senses and practices of transaction.
Article 3 [Responsibilities of baggagexpress]
①baggagexpress shall do its best to store and deliver a customer's baggage on behalf of him/her and to avoid any damage and loss of the baggage. The company has a liability for damages arising from baggagexpress during a baggage delivery.
②baggagexpress shall provide services at the specific time and place with which a customer agreed on a homepage or app.
③baggagexpress shall confirm customer identifications and the quantity of baggages to be checked when and before a customer transfers his/her baggage to the company. For this, the company can require his/her ID card, passport, and call history with baggagexpress.
④baggagexpress can refuse to check a customer's baggage when his/her identity is not assured.
Article 4 [Responsibilities of Customer]
①A customer shall accurately enter information reuiqred for the provision of its service (including the date of checking (including time and place), the date when he/she has it back (including time and place), contact, messenger's ID, e-mail address, the quantity of his/her baggage, and flight, etc.) at the time of making a reservation on a homepage or app. baggagexpress is not responsible for problems resulting from the inaccurate information he/she entered.
②A customer shall confirm these terms and conditions prior to the payment of service charges. By choosing to make a payment, the customer confirms his/her acceptance of all the service terms. However, baggagexpress shall lead the customer to be informed of important circumstances through its direct explanation or other methods except for service agreement.
③A customer take responsibility to check a locking device of his/her baggage prior to transfer of it into baggagexpress. baggagexpress has no liability for damages resulting from non confirmation of the device.
④A customer shall present his/her identification, passport, and message from baggagexpress to identify him/her if baggagexpress requires the information before the customer gets his/her baggage bag.
⑤baggagexpress can contact a customer via a phone call, e-mail, messenger, etc. in order to verify his/her reservation and adjust the time to visit when the reservation has been confirmed.
Article 5 [Service Hours]
①baggagexpress provides customers with a scheduled baggage delivery service from 7:00 to 22:00 at an airport and from 8:00 to 22:00 at an HOME (HOTEL).
②As for every service provided by baggagexpress, a customer can find his/her baggage after 8 hours from the point he/she checks it.
③Only the service hours shall be applied in calculating the 8 hours in the above ② term.
Article 6 [Reservation and Cancellation]
①Every reservation and cancellation shall be completed 24 hours before the baggage registration time.
②However, weekends and holidays are excluded when 24 hours are figured.
Article 7 [Refund and Additional Payment]
①If a customer cancels his/her reservation as prescribed by Article 6, baggagexpress shall refund service charges in full.
②If service charges are fewer than the already paid amounts at the time of reservation because the actual size and quantity of a baggage a customer checks are different from information he/she enters, baggagexpress has no obligation to refund the difference. If the service charges are higher than the already paid amounts at the time of reservation, the customer shall pay additional charges.
③If the company cannot provide services due to natural disasters, wars, terrors, or other force majeure, baggagexpress can unliaterally cancel or change a customer's reservation.
Article 8 [Baggage Allowance Rules]
①Baggages are classified in standard or nonstandard baggages by size and weight and charge differently.
②Standard baggages refer to the following bags in each number.
1. Luggage: is a suitcase and bag less than 73 cm in height from its wheels and handle and 25 kg in weight.
2. Box: is a container less than 120 cm in width plus length and height and 25 kg in weight.
③Nonstandard baggages refer to bags beyond the standard of each number in the above ② term and golf bags, strollers, bicycles, and immigration bags.
Article 9 [Service Charges and Payment Method]
①baggagexpress's service charges are specified in the following Price page.
③baggagexpress shall post service charges on a homepage and app. The charges may be modified without prior notice by usage policy of baggagexpress.
④baggagexpress's service charges can be paid on the field. baggagexpress shall secure various payment methods for customer convenience.
⑤If the difference between the quantity and size of a baggage and the actual reservation incurs additional charges, baggagexpress can refuse to deliver the baggage until the extra payment is made.
Article 10 [Loss and Indeminity of Baggage]
①In event of loss or damage of a baggage due to the reasons of the company, baggagexpress assumes liability for it to the limit of 300,000 KRW per a baggage.
②If a customer boards an aircraft without his/her baggage because its delivery is delayed by baggagexpress, the company shall transport it to the customer's destination via EMS.
③If a customer purchases neccessaries due to a delay on the baggage delivery on baggagexpress's own responsibility, the company shall compensate the purchase amount to the limit of 50,000 KRW per a baggage. The customer shall present his/her receipt of the purchases.
④baggagexpress doesn't confrim contents of a baggage and shall not be liable for any resulting damage (loss, damage, contamination, etc. if the baggage contains high-priced jewelries, high-priced products, electronic equipment, any products of breakage risk, perishable products, ignitable or inflammable chemicals or psychoactive drugs.
⑤baggagexpress shall not be liable for slight scratch, abrasion, squashing, crack, stain, etc arising from the normal baggage handling process.
⑥A customer cannot hold baggagexpress responsible for damages such as loss, damage, delay of a baggage, etc. due to causes beyond the control of baggagexpress such as wars, natural disasters, terrors, and others.
Article 11 [Handling of Baggage]
①If a customer cannot have his/her baggage back on the agreed day, baggagexpress is obligated to store the baggage for 30 days from the day after the date agreed to get it back. The customer is responsible for storage charges of 5,000 KRW per a baggage a day due the period of storage.
②If a customer doesn't find his/her baggage beyond 30 days from the day after the date agreed to get it back, baggagexpress can dispose of the baggage without special notice to the customer. The customer cannot raise an objection to this.
Article 12 [Jurisdiction]
A court that is responsible for the seat of baggagexpress's head office will exclusively have competence over disputes between baggagexpress and a customer.
Article 13 [Enforcement of Terms]
These terms will be effective on January 1st, 2025.